Traveling abroad may expose you to diseases not found in the UK. Don’t worry though, there’s many vaccines that will protect your health while overseas.
We recommend that you plan to get the necessary vaccines at least a month before you travel. Many vaccines take time to kick in, but that’s not the only reason you want to have them in advance; you may also need to travel for certain vaccines, as not all clinics offer them. For instance, few clinics have the Yellow Fever vaccine – be sure to factor this in before booking your vacation. With that said, let’s look at the vaccines required for holiday hotspots!
Atovaquone/Proguanil Malaria Tablets
How it is taken: The tablet is taken orally.
Side effects: Common side effects include headaches and digestive problems.
Age: Tablets are suitable for children and adult over 40kg.
Price: £25
Cholera Vaccine
How it is taken: The vaccine is taken as a drink and therefore you should avoid eating, drinking, and taking medication at least one hour before having the vaccination.
Side effects: Side effects I can include fever, digestive problems and headaches.
Age: This vaccine is suitable for children over the age of 2.
Cholera Risk Areas: Cholera is most prominent in places with poor sanitation, crowding, and famine. Common locations include areas of Africa, Latin America, and south Asia.
Price: £60
Diphtheria, Tetanus & Polio Vaccine
How it is taken: The vaccine is usually taken as an injection in the upper arm.
Side effects: Potential side effects are soreness at the injection site and feeling unwell.
Age: The vaccine is available to anyone age 10 and over.
Price: £35
Doxycycline Tablets
How they are taken: Tablets are taken orally.
Side effects: Potential side effects include headaches and digestive problems.
Age: Tablets are suitable for children over the age of 12.
Price: £30
Hepatitis A Vaccine
How it is taken: The vaccine is taken as an injection in the upper arm.
Side effects: Potential side effects include soreness at the injection site, fever, tiredness and soreness.
Age: This vaccine is suitable for children over the age of 16. A Pediatric Hepatitis A vaccine is available for children over the age of 1.
Price: £120
Hepatitis B Vaccine
How it is taken: The vaccine is taken as an injection in the upper arm.
Side effects: Potential side effects include soreness at the injection site, fever, tiredness and soreness.
Age: The vaccine is suitable from birth.
Price: £150
Japanese Encephalitis Vaccine
How it is taken: The vaccine is taken as an injection in the upper arm.
Side effects: Potential side effects include soreness at the injection site, high-temperature, headaches, and muscle pain.
Age: The vaccine can be given to children aged 2 months.
Price: £180
Malarone Malaria Tablets
How they are taken: The tablet is taken orally.
Side effects: Potential side effects include headaches and digestive problems.
Age: The tablet is suitable for children and adults over 40kg.
Price: £40
Measles, Mumps & Rubella (MMR) Vaccine
How it is taken: The vaccine is taken as an injection in the upper arm.
Side effects: Potential side effects include soreness at the injection site, swelling, redness and tiredness. In addition to this, some people feel generally unwell, experience a loss of appetite, and swollen lymph nodes.
Age: This vaccine is available to those aged 12 months and above, and it is also available to children on the childhood immunisation programme. Speak to your GP if your child has missed out on the vaccines.
Price: £100
Meningitis ACWY Vaccine
How it is taken: The vaccine is taken as an injection in the upper arm.
Side effects: Potential side effects include soreness at the injection site, swelling, redness and tiredness. Some people may experience flu like symptoms and fever.
Age: The vaccine is suitable from birth.
Price: £40
Meningitis B Vaccine
How it is taken: The vaccine is taken as an injection.
Side effects: Potential side effects include soreness at the injection site, fever, swelling at the site of injection, redness and digestive problems.
Age: The vaccine is suitable for children aged 2 months.
Price: £260
Rabies Vaccine
How it is taken: The vaccine is taken as an injection in the upper arm.
Side effects: Side effects include soreness at the injection site, rash, high temperature, and nausea
Age: The vaccine is suitable from birth.
Price: £180
Tick-Borne Encephalitis Vaccine
How it is taken: The vaccine is usually taken as an injection in the upper arm.
Side effects: Side effects include soreness at the injection site, tiredness, and headaches.
Age: This vaccine is suitable for children over the age of 12 months.
Price: £130
Typhoid Vaccine
How it is taken: The typhoid vaccine is usually taken as an injection in the upper arm.
Side effects: Side effects include soreness at the injection site, fever and digestive problems.
Age: This vaccine is suitable for anyone over the age of 2.
Price: £35
Yellow Fever Vaccine
How it is taken: The vaccine is usually taken as an injection in the upper arm.
Side effects: Side effects include soreness at the injection site, headache and pain.
Age: Not usually recommended for children under nine months.
Price: £65